Workshop ChIPATAC 2020

Computational analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data

14-15 December 2020

ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq Bioinformatics Analysis Workshop

Gene regulation

Welcome to the workshop on the computational analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data. This workshop is meant for individuals with little to no previous knowledge of bioinformatics. We will guide you through each of the main steps of the bioinformatic analysis.



Practical parts

Day 1: ChIP-seq

  1. Introduction
  2. Quality control on reads
  3. Read trimming
  4. Read alignment
  5. Peak calling
  6. Peak annotation
  7. ChIP-seq quality control
  8. Generating signal tracks and using IGV

Day 2: ATAC-seq

Due to time constraints, please start with part 5, and skip parts 1-4 for the moment!!

  1. Introduction

  2. Quality control on reads

  3. Read trimming

  4. Read alignment

  5. Peak calling

  6. Peak annotation

  7. Footprinting

  8. ATAC-seq quality control

  9. Generating signal tracks and using IGV

Day 2: Going further: integrating/comparing ChIP-seq/ATAC-seq

  1. Motif analysis on CTCF peaks


The course will run over 2 days (Monday, 14.12 and Tuesday, 15.12) from 10 am - 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm.

Check the detailed schedule here


The course will be online only!

Technical pre-requisites

All the computation will be done on the cloud of the German Bioinformatics Network de.NBI. All you need is a personal laptop to access the cloud server.

Check the technical pre-requisites, depending on whether your operating system is Windows, MacOS or Linux

  1. Generating ssh-keys and connecting to the server: instructions for all operating systems are here
  2. Installing Cyberduck to access remote files: instructions are here
  3. Installing RStudio: instructions are here